youth camp 2022

Youth camp 2023

Holiday Gift Drive 2023

Back to school drive 2023

Our 1st ever youth camp was held at RFH and was so much fun! The kids got to learn from Elijah McAllister about life, football, and more! We are looking forward to making this camp a tradition for many years to come. Giving back to the community in which Elijah grew up in will always remain a focus.

Youth Camp 2022

Our 2nd annual youth camp had over 70 kids in attendance this year! After a morning full of football the kids got to eat, play on bounce houses, in the video game truck, and eat ice cream. Thanks to our generous sponsors this day was a success! We wanted to shoutout; Woody’s, Lighthouse, Hicks House, TwoRiver College Group, Butler’s Deli, Arctic Fire Cryo, and The Hernia Institute of NJ.

Youth Camp 2023

Our first ever Back to School Drive served over 175 kids in the Auburn community! Thanks to our generous sponsors and donors we were able to provide the kids of the Boys and Girls Club of East Alabama with back to school supplies, backpacks, lunch and a day full of fun!

This wouldn’t have been possible without our donors and the following sponsors; Lee County Home Builders Association, Auburn University Credit Union, Gatorade, The Hudson Family Foundation, Benson, and the Boys and Girls Club of East Alabama.


Holiday Gift Drive 2023

This year we partnered with the Center for Family Services to sponsor a Safe House in New Jersey. This house had 15 single mothers, children, and expecting mothers. Thanks to you all we were able to give 250+ holiday gifts to everyone at the Safe House. Thank you for helping us give these families hope this holiday season!